How to Audit Fixed Assets in Reftab

All businesses and institutions need to conduct audits on their fixed assets. Audits are an official inspection of a company’s equipment that verifies records are up-to-date on exactly what a company has in possession, and usually confirms the condition and location of the item, (among other pieces of information needed by an organization). It is usually recommended to perform an audit at least yearly.

Reftab allows you to create audits, which are a list of assets set by an administrator for inspection. The administrator can then assign the audit to users. Users then use the Reftab mobile app to access the audit list to scan a barcode / qr-codes on the asset tags physically attached to each item. If an asset is missing and cannot be scanned, it will be noted in the official audit.

How to Create an Audit

Log into Reftab as an administrator and click the “Audits” button:

Next click “Create New Audit

Next, you have a few options of how to select assets for the audit:

  • From Assets
  • From Locations and Categories
  • From kits

In this guide we’ll select “From Asset List

Next, you can give the Audit a name, description, due date and you can assign users to the audit. This page will also be used to select the assets you want to be included in the audit. Once done, click “Select x Assets

Once the Audit is saved, your users can utilize the Reftab mobile app and tap “My Items” > “Audits” and see the same list of assets. Tap “My Items” > “Audits” then the user can see any audits assigned to them:

Once they click on an audit, they will see the list of assets assigned. They can tap the “Scan Asset Tag” button at bottom or swipe on each row to reveal “Mark Scanned

You as an administrator can view the progress of an audit and see what has been scanned and by whom.

If all assets are scanned, the audit will automatically close. However, if not all assets can be found and scanned, these are to be left as ‘Not Scanned’ and you can then click “Close & Complete”

You can view completed audits by clicking “Show Completed

For additional assistance or questions, email ‘[email protected]