Categories group assets together that are of similar type. This guide will explain how to customize your Reftab account to track any type of asset you need. For example, if you wanted to track 3-D printers, you would create a category called “3-D Printers” and then add fields. Fields are the individual attributes you want to track on each asset.
Click here to go to adding new fields
Adding new Categories
To create a category and set fields, you can click “Asset Categories”

Click “New Category“

Give your category a name, then drag fields from the available fields column into the column on the right.

Click “Save Category” when done.
Adding New Fields
Click “Add Field”

Then, create a new field for each field you need stored on your assets:

Note: you’ll want to use different field types to match the type of data. For example, a field to store Date of Purchase would use a field type of “date”.
Once all your fields are saved, you drag them to the right side under “Show these fields” and click “Save Category”

Next, when you add or edit assets within the category, all your chosen fields will be available for you to store data: