Reservations are here!


We’ve built out a feature to reserve assets, accessories and licenses. This is a new feature that was released recently and available on all paid plans. If you’re reading this and would like a free trial, reach out to [email protected] and we’ll set you up.

This feature is very simple to use. However, it’s built with a lot of sophistication.

Firstly, you reserve an item by setting a start date, a return date and a user (loanee).

  1. Assets, Accessories and Licenses can be reserved.
  2. The item will be unavailable during the requested dates. This means the item can’t be checked out during a time it’s been reserved. You must check out the item from the reservations page to fulfill the reservation.
  3. However, you can still check out the item as long as you select a return date that comes before the set reservation date.
  4. Items of which you have 0 quantity in stock, can still be reserved if you select a reservation start date after any item is due for return.
  5. You cannot reserve an item during a date range that the item is currently checked out for.
  6. You cannot reserve an item during a date range in which the only available item is currently reserved for.
  7. Reservations can be cancelled, which will free up the reserved dates.
  8. The Locations page will display a count of reservations due for the day.

The above may sound a bit complicated. The point however, is that these checks are so that you don’t have to worry about when items are due, or what you have in stock vs what’s returning to stock at a future point. The dates are all computed for you within our platform. This avoids overlap and the possibility of reserving an item that you may not have. The last thing you’d want is someone arriving to pick up a reserved item which is not available.

Since this feature is new, we’ll be adding in more settings for the user to tweak as they see fit. Feel free to send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help.

For a live demo of this feature, visit us on YouTube
