Business Hours and Maximum Loan Times

In order to prevent users from reserving items or returning items outside of your business hours, you can now configure settings to limit loan times. This may help to ensure that users don’t reserve an item for say, 1:00am – 3:00am, even accidentally.

Furthermore, in order to set a limit on how long a user can borrow equipment, we now have a feature to set maximum loan hours per category and role. This will ensure that users are limited from borrowing equipment for too long a period.

To Configure Business Hours:

Log into your Reftab account  and click โ€˜settingsโ€™. Then, click the option for โ€˜date and timeโ€™. Then, click โ€˜configure business hoursโ€™. 

You will then be able to set hours that you will allow users to reserve items and set return dates on check outs. Anytime someone tries to set a  reservation, (or a return date) outside of your business hours, an error will appear on the screen and the action will be prevented. 

Business hours will display as a gray area on the reservation calendars. Users will not be able to drag their mouse on these times.

For example, if you set business hours from 9:00AM – 5:00PM Monday through Friday, a user can only drag their mouse on the calendar between the hours of 9AM and 5PM. If they reserve the item overnight, users can drag their mouse across business hours as long as the return time is between 9AM – 5PM next day.

To Configure Maximum Loan Times:

Log into your Reftab account  and click โ€˜settingsโ€™. Then, click the option for โ€˜loan optionsโ€™. Then, click โ€˜configure maximum loan timesโ€™. For each category and role, provide a value in hours to set limits.

For example, if you have a maximum limit of 24 hours set on your category of “cameras”, anytime a user tries to select longer than 24 hours on the calendar, the system will throw an error saying that the item can only be reserved for a max of 24 hours.

UPDATE: Reftab has a “loan override” option available. To give a user the rights to override set business hours or max loan time, edit their access role and find the option for “allow loan override” and set to ‘yes’.