Azure Active Directory integration with SAML SSO

This document provides an overview of configuring Reftab as a SAML application your Azure AD environment to use with Single Sign-On.

To skip to the Just-in-Time Provisioning section, click here

First, sign in to the Azure management portal using your Azure Active Directory administrator account.

Browse to the Azure Active Directory > [Directory] > Enterprise Applications, and select “Create your own application

Give the application a name such as “Reftab” and select “Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery”. Click “Add”

Name Application

(Note if you need to search for the application at a later time, you can do so via the “All applications” section.)

Search for application

Next, click, “Users and groups” and click “Add User“. Assign at least one user to the application. (Required) 

OR – Add an entire group. These are the users and groups that can access this application.

Add User

In the “Single Sign-on” section, select “SAML“.

Select Method

On the next screen, click “Edit”  next to Basic SAML Configuration.

Edit Basic SAML settings

You’ll need to provide the Reftab Identifier and Reply URL:


Reply URL:

Click “Save“.

Identity and Reply URLs

Next, Download the “SAML Signing Certificate” (Base64 format).

Next, copy the App Federation Metadata Url

NOTE: on this screen you can also download the Certificate (Base64) download this if the metadata url doesn’t pull it in on the below steps)

Copy metadata url

Next, log into Reftab as an administrator. Click “Settings” > “SAML Settings”

SAML Settings in Reftab

Click “Use XML Metadata Link”.

Use XML Lik

Paste the your metadata URL and click “next”


The metadata url will be used to fill in the SAML information in Reftab automatically. 

Follow the below if any fields are missing:

Domain: this field should be the part after the ‘@’ symbol in your email. For example:

IDP Entity ID: This field is your identity provider ID and can be found in your federation metadata xml.

URI Endpoint: This field can be found in your metadata xml.

Bind Method: choose HTTP-Redirect

Email Attribute: This is the attribute that identifies the users email. It can be found in your metadata xml.  Usually you can copy this exact string below:

Attribute to identify users name: This is optional and if used, will save the users name in Reftab. Usually, you can copy this exact string below:

Certificate: Paste the certificate from the downloaded Base 64 download link within Azure AD.

Click, “Save SAML Settings” when done.

Verify Domain Ownership

Next, you will need to verify ownership of your domain before you can begin using SSO with Reftab. This is an important security step. This checks that your domain belongs to you and not anyone else trying to claim it as theirs. Follow this guide to verify your domain:

Once domain verification is complete, test logging into Reftab with the user account (or a user within the group) you added to allow access to Reftab in the settings at the start of this guide: – type in the users email address and the login screen will detect if your domain is setup and automatically display a button to “Login with single sign-on

Notes on sign-out process:

After being signed in with SSO. When you log out of Reftab, you may still have an active session with your IDP. You’re still brought to the Reftab logout page, however if you enter your email address (or anyone else’s email address) and click, “login with single sign-on”, you’ll go straight into your account without providing credentials. 

This is how single sign-on works when single log-out is not configured. The Azure identity provider keeps the session open. To ensure that you are fully logged out, log out of your Azure account as well.

Reach out to [email protected] for further information on single log-out.

Just-in-time user provisioning:

All users who sign into Reftab must belong to an access role. An access role is something like “Administrator”, “Editor”, “Viewer”, or a custom defined role. Just-in-time provisioning automatically adds users to a role.

Therefore, after you save your  SAML settings, you’ll be asked if you would like to setup Just-in-time user provisioning (JIT) roles.

JIT setup

JIT will auto provision users when they try to log into Reftab for the first time. Setting up these roles saves you time by avoiding creating users in Reftab manually. JIT rules check the SAML token of the user attempting to sign up and will create them as a user and add them to a Reftab access role automatically.

For example, you can have a JIT rule that looks at a SAML token for a users department. If they are found to be in the IT dept, you can tell Reftab to place these users in the Reftab role of Admin. Likewise, you can create another JIT rule to look for users in the Marketing department, and when they sign in, they log into Reftab as portal users.

If you use JIT rules, anyone who tries to log in that does not match to an existing rule will not be able to login.

To setup additional role claims for just-in-time provisioning, follow this document from MS:

Within your Azure AD account click, “Reftab” 

search and select application.png

Then, select “Single Sign-on”  and for the section “User Attributes & Claims” click “edit” you can manage the claims that are sent on your SAML token. You can add / remove cliams which can be used on the Just-in-time settings. 

Single Sign-On

Reach out to [email protected] for any questions. We are happy to help.