How to Integrate Reftab and Zendesk

Did you know that Zendesk has more than 170,000 customers

While many think of them as a customer support platform, the truth is a large number of IT departments use them to manage service desk requests. 

The best part is if you use (or are planning to use) Reftab for asset management and Zendesk for service desk requests, our Zendesk integration makes this process simple. 

This means you can see asset details displayed on Zendesk tickets, so you don’t have to move between multiple applications to see important information.

In this post, we’re sharing more details about our Zendesk integration, and some of the use cases for IT teams, including: 

What is Zendesk?

4 ways that IT teams use Reftab and Zendesk

1. Provide timely IT support to employees

2. Create more efficient workflows

3. Streamline the process for getting new employees onboarded

4. Maintain company assets and inventory

Connecting Zendesk to Reftab

What is Zendesk?

A quick refresher: Zendesk is one of the largest help desk systems on the market. It provides a centralized workspace that gives companies all the tools they need to handle personalized communications at scale.

Most companies get started on Zendesk to manage customer support efficiently.

Increasingly, more IT teams are using Zendesk to manage help desk tickets.  That’s because it also integrates with many apps commonly used by companies of all sizes, such as Slack, Confluence, Reftab, and more.

Note: Reftab helps you track assets and inventory by using barcodes and QR Codes to assign items to users.

Businesses can also use the streamlined dashboard to examine trends, increase their understanding of the most common issues, measure metrics critical to your business, and more.

4 ways that IT teams use Reftab and Zendesk

Here are some popular use cases for how IT teams are using Zendesk and Reftab. 

1. Provide timely IT support to employees 

Zendesk’s core feature is a centralized, ticket-based help desk. This allows IT teams to funnel, triage, and manage all IT support requests from one place. So, instead of having to field questions from individual email inboxes, Slack, in-person conversations, where it can easily get lost, it all goes into one Zendesk inbox. 

This centralized system makes it easy for IT teams to track, monitor, and collect employees issues, questions, and feedback. And, when you layer Reftab on top of Zendesk, you can pull up all of the related assets tied to an individual Zendesk ticket on the same screen. As a result, they can respond and solve problems faster. 

For example, if an employee submits a ticket in Zendesk about their laptop being broken, the details of that laptop from within Reftab are displayed within the Zendesk ticket. This allows support staff to see important details such as warranty information, serial number, images, etc., without having to leave Zendesk.

In addition, once you’ve been tracking these IT requests for a while, you’ll start to notice trends emerging. For example, this can help improve your workflows, build out more documentation, and build out new internal tooling and processes. 

You can also use this data to make a case for hiring additional IT team members—be it to handle increased ticket volumes or to build out new IT infrastructure and tools. 

2. Create more efficient workflows

Many IT support requests are common issues like password reset requests or needing to check out a particular piece of equipment. 

For password reset requests, you can create canned response templates that can automate or partially automate these replies. 

Or, for checking in and out equipment, you can use Reftab and Zendesk to create a self-service booking portal so that employees can mostly handle this process on their own. 

This does two things: 

  • Makes it easier for a smaller IT team to manage demand without having to hire more people. You can scale your IT infrastructure and workflow as the company grows. 
  • Frees up your team’s time to focus on more strategic, higher-level projects. 

3. Streamline the process for getting new employees onboarded

One of the most time-intensive tasks for IT teams is onboarding new employees. This process is extremely important not only for productivity but also for new hire morale. It doesn’t look great if the new hire starts, but their computer doesn’t arrive until 2 weeks after they start.  Or, they don’t have all of the necessary equipment they need to do their job. 

While this process is important, it is also repetitive and easy to build out and automate parts of the process. 

For example, when a new employee starts, they will need a laptop. This information can be recorded in Reftab. So, the hiring manager can submit an IT request in Zendesk about getting their new employee set up with a laptop. Someone on your IT team can view the ticket and see all of the available computers in Reftab without leaving the ticket window. If one is available, they can assign it to the new employee. If not, they can make sure to order a new laptop before the new hire’s start date.  

4. Maintain company assets and inventory

Businesses often need to keep tabs on all of their equipment and inventory for tax, liability, and maintenance purposes. 

For example, integrating Reftab and Zendesk makes it easy to do the following: 

  • Get alerts for low quantity of a specific piece of equipment, like chargers or laptops 
  • Track product warranty information
  • Manage asset maintenance, like necessary software and hardware updates

Connecting Zendesk to Reftab 

As one of the official marketplace apps, integrating Zendesk and Reftab is simple. All you need to do is go to our Integrations section and click on Zendesk. You’ll enter your login details and start the process of setting up your account. 

You can also install our app through the  Zendesk marketplace.

Syncing Zendesk and Reftab will allow you to link individual assets to Reftab to Jira tickets and vice versa.   See our How-to guide here:

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